APPENDIX TWO: Anthology of poems on citizenship
This anthology of poems includes poems in English, German and Portuguese that deal with citizenship issues. The teachers and researchers involved in the project collected poetical compositions that coud be used (and were used) in foreign language classes. If the theme of the poems (citizenship) was one of the criteria that guided the editors of this anthology in their choice, other criteria were followed. Firstly, we selected poetic compositions that were not very demanding (neither from the linguistic nor from the hermeneutic point of view) to students of the pre-intermediate and intermediate levels; secondly, the poems the were chosen are able to motivate students in the learning process. The following list includes the compositions that were in the original volume of the Anthology of poems on citizenship.
“If”, Rudyard Kipling
“I, too, sing America”, Langston Hughes
“Ku Klux”, Langston Hughes
“Meditatio”, Ezra Pound
“Lizard”, D.H. Lawrence
“Social Security”, Terence Winch
“These yet to be United States”, Maya Angelou
“The Snow Party”, Derek Mahon
“Little Johnny's Final Letter”, Brian Patten
“Wishes of an Elderly Man”, Sir Walter Raleigh
“The Chimney Sweeper”, William Blake
“The Bridge”, Fiona Pitt-Kethley
“Der Arbeitsmann”, Richard Dehmel
“Ich liebe Frauen”, Hermann Hesse
“Die Bücherverbrennung”, Bertolt Brecht
“Die Lösung”, Bertolt Brecht
“Von der Freundlichkeit der Welt”, Bertolt Brecht
“Lesebuchgeschichten”, Wolfgang Borchert
“Mondnacht”, Joseph von Eichendorff
“Sechsjähriger”, Reiner Kunze
“Ich will”, Rammstein
“Cântico negro, José Régio
“Voz activa”, Miguel Torga
“Trova do vento que passa”, Manuel Alegre
“Retrato de uma princesa desconhecida”, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
“Porque”, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
“Queixa das almas jovens censuradas”, Natália Correia
“Calçada de Carriche”, António Gedeão
“Eles foram lá”, José Craveirinha
“Carta a meus filhos sobre os fuzilamentos de Goya”, Jorge de Sena
“Meninos carvoeiros”, Manuel Bandeira
“Oh! Liberdade!”, Xanana Gusmão
“Pedra Filosofal”, António Gedeão
“O Portugal futuro”, Ruy Belo
“Ah! Como te invejo”, José Gomes Ferreira
“Sísifo”, Miguel Torga
“Eu, Etiqueta”, Carlos Drummond de Andrade
“Urgentemente”, Eugénio de Andrade
“Pastelaria”, Mário Cesariny de Vasconcelos
“Ao desconcerto do Mundo”, Luís de Camões
“Contra as molheres”, Jorge d'Aguiar
“Lágrima de Preta”, António Gedeão
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