sábado, abril 08, 2006


The project was assessed in two different moments: at the end of the school years of 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. In order to evaluate this initiative aptly, we must analyse results that came out of it on three different levels. Firstly, it was with immense satisfaction that we saw that students showed high levels of motivation when working with literature and visual arts. The demanding selection of intriguing, thought-provoking paintings, art photos, poems and narrative texts determined this success.
As far as the academic results were concerned, they were not homogeneous. In most cases they were good or average. However, for the sake of truth, we should credit this success to the influence of methodologies such as task-based learning and the communicative approach in the teaching approach followed in this project.
Finally, teachers concluded that students gradually developed a positive attitude and an acute sensitivity towards citizenship issues dealt with in class. They also developed their ability to think critically. These conclusions were withdrawn from the positions and attitudes assumed by students both in the discussions carried out in classes and in the texts produced by them.